Joe Namath Under Sex Abuse Allegations

( – Super Bowl champion and football Hall of Famer Joe Namath was recently accused of involvement with child sex abuse. These occurences supposedly took place in the football training camp over 50 years ago.

The lawsuit was first filed in 2019 by a man named Philip Lyle Smith. This week, Smith publicly spoke about these incidents for the first time in history. In an interview with the New York Post, Smith told the press that the coach of Brooklyn Poly Prep Country Club, John Foglietta, hit and attacked Smith starting when he was a 12 year old.

In a 2012 lawsuit, it was revealed that Foglietta was an actual serial sexual abuser, and had several sex abuse victims that came out. He later died in late 1998.

Smith specifically accused Joe Namath along with other players as protecting sex abusers and pedophiles like Foglietta.

“Back in those days, Joe Namath was my idol,” he told the New York Post. “And he went from my hero to a zero in my life.”

Smith stated that Foglietta attempted to minimize the abuse scandal by allowing his victims to receive special opportunites. Fox example, Smith was allowed to eat meals with Joe Namath and John Dockery, who were Smith’s idols at the time.

“Every night he’d say, ‘See what I did? … You have pictures with so and so … Joe talked to you … How you can do that without me?’” Smith recalled in his interview with the New York Post. “That was part of his grooming to abuse me.”

The Child Victims Act, which is now expired, was the statute that Smith originally filed his lawsuit in.

Most disturbing, Foglietta had Smith sleep in his bed, and the football camp advisors all agreed with the decision. Smith said that Foglietta would actually masturbate in front of him, and even showed him pornographic magazines.

Smith said that the impetus for coming out with the abuse scandal was the Penn State sexual abuse story.

Smith now accuses Joe Namath, John Dockery, and many others for negligence, and allowing this horrific scene to take place.