School Teacher Fired After Caught On OnlyFans

( – In the past few months, many school districts have fired teachers and educators because of involvement with OnlyFans.

On this site, people can post scandalous photos and videos of themselves for an income. For example, a teacher from Texas was fired from her school after she was exposed on OnlyFans.

Ashley Ketcherside was an educator for the Health Advisory Council for the Godley School District. Ironically, she was responsible for creating the schools sexual education policy, and providing adequate instruction for sexual issues, such as sex trafficking. She was also the coach for a cheerleading team.

Mary Lowe, the owner of the nonprofit “Families Engaged For Effective Education,” said that parents knew that Ashley Ketcherside was hiding something. Reportedly she owned multiple businesses. After some digging, the parents found that she had two convictions for prostitution.

This was under her maiden name, Ashley Villalobos, and the convictions happened in 2012 and 2016. In 2016 as well, a judge ruled that children were not allowed to visit where she lived.

Other parents found that her email address was linked to an escort site, which was legal in the state of Texas.

Parents were furious, and wondered how Ashley Ketcherside passed her background check from the school, and if she even got one.

Mary Lowe presumed that these charges didn’t come up in the background check simply because they were misdemeanors.